Paramount Dates New ‘Transformers’ Movie For 2022


Paramount has given a date for a new Transformers movie of June 24, 2022.

The studio is in development on two different projects: one by Murder Mystery scribe James Vanderbilt and the other by John Wick Chapter 3 EP and Army of the Dead scribe Joby Harold. The Vanderbilt project, from what we’ve heard, is based on Transformers spinoff Beast Wars which are robots that transform into robotic animals like Cheetor (Cheetah), Optimus Primal (Gorilla), Rhinox (Rhinoceros) and more. The other is reportedly in the Bumblebee universe. It’s not definite yet which one will make it to production.

Separately, the studio has tweaked its platform release of Aaron Sorkin’s The Trial of the Chicago 7. Pic is still opening limited on Sept. 25, but its expanding on Oct. 9 (instead of Oct. 2) with a full wide break on Oct. 16.

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