There are few bags that stand the test of time better than a Chanel. Specifically, the Chanel 11.12 instantly comes to mind when one even thinks of an iconic style. Colloquially known as the flap bag, the design first came on the scene in the ‘80s, when Karl Lagerfeld reimagined the house’s signature 2.55 (which was first released in 1955), adding a now-signature double-C clasp, diamond quilted leather, and a chain strap interlaced with leather. The rest is fashion history.
“In fashion, every season everything changes so fast, it’s nice to see these classic bags that have been around for so long,” said model Rianne van Rompaey, who co-stars in the campaign. “It’s the most famous bag in the world.” While a Chanel bag comes with a steep price tag, it’s one of the few fashion items you won’t regret purchasing. The bag has a storied reputation for retaining its value over time, making it one of the smartest fashion investments you can wear.
To honor the icon—and leaning in to the fact that shoppers were more keen to invest in classic handbag styles in 2020—the French atelier is placing the 11.12 front and center of its newest campaign. It stars alongside the arms of models Anna Mouglalis, Imaan Hammam, Louise de Chevigny, and Zoé Adjani, lensed by Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.
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