Steven P. Hamm – Meet “Hollywood’s Newest Superstar”

Celebrity News, Movies, Television

Growing more popular each day, Steve P. Hamm is well on his way to becoming a featured actor. He already is a successful model and voice over professional. As a retired army helicopter pilot he fits the role as anything military and any casting director could take advantage of his experience….

In a conversation with Steve Hamm we discovered much about his persona, his desires, and what he treasures most…..

What gets you excited?

Well, besides getting booked for a project or a modeling gig, being able to help someone or just showing simple acts of kindness.

You’ve had some cool things happen in the last few months, update us please?

I was able to finish producing the audiobook I was working on- “The Seasons of Sam Rock”. The author is currently reviewing it. Should be available soon.
I have also booked a role in an international project titled “The World Mission”.
I will be playing the Director of Central Intelligence.

How do you relax?

I listen to music, watch movies, and work out. When the weather is good, I’ll play some golf.

If you could recreate yourself, what would you choose to do?

I have always been interested in the legal profession. I think I would be a lawyer or a police officer.

You’re a superhero. What are your powers and how will you help society?

I would have powers that would ensure people are fed, they have a home with a good job, and most of all, get rid of all the hatred in this world. If 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that there is still varying degrees of racism. In these trying times, we need to put our differences aside and help our fellow brothers and sisters.

Briefly describe your ideal role as an actor and tell us why?

I can play several types of roles: Pilot, Military Officer, Cop, Detective, Husband, and Father. My military background helps with any pilot, military and cop roles, including the handling of weapons. I’m married and have 3 sons plus two stepdaughters. This covers the husband and father angle.
I work for Life Flight too so that’s another interesting angle to work.

What do you believe is your best quality and your worst and of course why?

My best qualities are that I genuinely care about other people and I don’t let things bother me—too much. I want to see people succeed. I want to be supportive and congratulate them when something good happens. This is how I can begin a genuine relationship and build a supportive network.

My worst quality is that I have OCD when it comes to task accomplishment. I can get so wrapped up into a task that I want it done perfectly. Perfection doesn’t really exist. I have to remind myself to just do my best, and things will fall into place. The good part is that I put 110% effort toward everything that I do!

The official website for Steve Hamm may be found at

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