The Resident Round Table: Were You Team Conrad or Team Devon?


What is the story behind Jessie’s death?

On The Resident Season 3 Episode 3, Conrad found out that Kyle was right about Jessie’s death.

Join TV Fanatics Meaghan Frey, Carissa Pavlica, and Rachel Foertsch as they discuss the hour!

The Resident Round Table Art

What or who do you think is causing the deaths of dialysis patients including Jessie? Do you think this is a repeat of the Lane situation?

Meaghan: I think that it has to do with something not being done properly during the dialysis procedure.

I wouldn’t necessarily say that we are headed into another Lane situation but more likely someone just not doing their job properly. Maybe it is another situation similar to the anesthesiologist last season.

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Carissa: Either someone hasn’t done their job right, or maybe a machine isn’t getting cleaned properly. It will come down to some sort of negligence, most likely, but it could also be poor aftercare. I’m stumped.

Rachel: I’m with Meaghan and Carissa on this one. I don’t see it being another Lane situation, mostly because we’ve already been there, done that.

My guess is that it has something to do with either the maintenance or manufacturing of the equipment. I can’t think of anyone who would be out to sabotage dialysis patients.

On a scale of 1-10, how much did you enjoy the highly-anticipated Cain and AJ team-up?

Meaghan: 7. Watching two pretty much self-proclaimed gods working together was bound to be good entertainment. However, I was more of a fan of the Nic and Cain team-up.

Carissa: Eh. It was neither here nor there for me. I’m not on board for Cain AT ALL right now, and my suspicion of him kind of keeps me from enjoying his scenes. That he wanted to cut a woman for the cash dividends was super creepy.

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Rachel: I’d give it a 6. The two are extremely similar, so it makes sense that they would butt heads.

The verdict is still out on Cain for me, but he and AJ share an ego the size of Texas. But they are both incredible doctors, and I enjoyed watching them work together much more than watching them fight over the spotlight.

Who, if anyone, did you side with most during their standoff: Conrad or Devon?

Meaghan: This is such a hard one. On the one side, they took an oath to do no harm.

On the other hand, a life hung in the balance, and Conrad was doing what he needed to save a life, even if it meant some discomfort for a man who is a terrible human being.

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Conrad is the king of flying in the gray area, so it is almost impossible to be 100% on the same page as him, but you can always see where he is coming from.

Carissa: Conrad. I have absolutely no morals when it comes to someone who has harmed others physically. I’m for the death penalty, and if someone has information about a victim they aren’t willing to offer, string ’em up.

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Rachel: I’m ride or die for Conrad, but I was pretty conflicted over the situation. The ethics of it were borderline, but I think the ends justify the means.

Conrad was doing the most good for the greatest number of people, yet Devon’s disapproval of his tactic was also understandable.

How do you feel about Cain’s offer to Nic? Should she work with him?

Meaghan: I found this so intriguing.

Cain may come across as arrogant and money hungry, but by enlisting Nic’s help to keep him in check and make sure he isn’t doing unnecessary procedures no matter how much of a hit it is to him and the hospital, he is showing there is more to him.

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I’m looking forward to watching this play out.

Carissa: I don’t want her to work with him. For the reasons listed above but also because she already has too much to stress already, and the way she dives headfirst into everything she does just screams disaster working with a bear like Cain.

Rachel: I’m not a big Nic fan, and I’m not a big Cain fan, so why not? Maybe they’ll make each other better. Cain and Nic have a dynamic I never even considered, and I’d be interested to see what they would be like working as a team.

Is Bell getting in over his head again with his new supplement venture?

Meaghan: When is Bell not getting in over his head? For such an intelligent man, he is far too impulsive for his own good.

Carissa: He’s always looking for an easy way to make cash. He NEEDS to make cash, so when an opportunity presents, he jumps.

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At least he was a little less gung-ho than usual. He’s like someone hoping to lose weight fast and buying all the latest dream pills and trying all the fad diets.

There isn’t an easy way around fundraising, but he’s going to keep trying.

Rachel: For some reason, I found this storyline a bit bland. But I do think if Bell was able to make himself a household name it would benefit the hospital greatly. There would be a line out the door if Doctor Oz got a job at Chastain.

What was your favorite moment from the episode?

Meaghan: The debate between Conrad and Devon was a highlight for me. It has felt like it has been too long since we saw this side of Conrad, and it was giving me all The Resident Season 1 feels.

Carissa: The moment Nic asked Cain how often his residents conduct surgery without him present. She was standing so tall, and I loved how she moved him.

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While it’s not enough that I want her dealing with that kind of behavior every minute of every workday, I do appreciate how she called him on his actions.

Rachel: This episode wasn’t as good as the last two for me, but I loved the moment when Nic realized her patient was misdiagnosed and put a stop to the surgery. The part at the end where Nic scolded Conrad for leaving his socks around the house was great, too!

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The Resident airs Tuesdays on FOX.

Jasmine Blu is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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