Red Dead Online: Gang Hideout Locations (& How to Clear Them Out)


There is a vast array of activities that players can engage within Red Dead Online in order to pass the time. Players can join up with a posse and roam the countryside as a bounty hunter catching criminals or even become an outlaw who kills and takes anything they please. There are so many fun activities to do that it can be incredibly difficult to keep track of everything that the game has to offer.

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One of the most consistent and straightforward activities in Red Dead Online is clearing out gang hideouts. Players can activate these missions if they want to get involved in a quick and harsh fight against a large number of enemies. These are challenging fights that will put the player at great risk every time, but they are well worth it. Gang hideouts are also a great way to earn cash and supplies, and some will even reward players with treasure maps that can give out a lot of money if followed. This guide will show players the locations of all the gang hideouts in the game and how to clear them out.

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Red Dead Online: How to Find Hideouts

The problem with gang hideouts is that they don’t always spawn during every session or even the exact same location. There is a general area that each one appears in though, so the trick is to ride around the general area that the hideout appears in to see if it’s there. If not, players should move on to the next location that they haven’t checked out yet or they can also restart the game to see if it shows up. Odds are if players run into another group of players in the area of a hideout it means that it has already been cleared out, and the player should try another location.

Red Dead Online: How to Clear Out Gang Hideouts

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Once a hideout pops up on the player’s map they should be as careful as possible. Players who rush in and try to kill all the enemies head-on will most likely get themselves killed. Instead, players should keep the hideout at a distance for a bit and scope the place out with their binoculars or a scoped weapons to see how many enemies they are dealing with. This also gives the player to scope out some cover and a viable method of entry into the hideout.

The trick here is to hop from cover to cover and try not to stay out in the open for long. Players who leave themselves vulnerable will wind up getting overwhelmed by the sheer amount of enemies. It’s probably a good idea to use a repeater or a couple of pistols if engaging the enemies up close. Players can also shoot from a distance with a rifle to pick off some a fair amount of enemies before coming in close to finish off the stragglers.

Once everyone has been killed, players will be given a choice between killing or sparing the leader of the gang. Either way they have the potential to get a treasure map, but sparing him will give players a boost to their honor. Players will then just need to follow the treasure map to pick up any nearby cash or trinkets. Players should also loot nearby bodies to restock their ammo or pick up some money.

Red Dead Online: Gang Hideout Locations

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Once again players should keep in mind that gang hideouts don’t always spawn at these exact locations but in the general area. If it doesn’t appear in the exact spot, they should ride around for a few minutes to see if it pops up somewhere else. If not just move onto the next one on the list.

Willard’s Rest- Players will find this hideout if they ride straight north from Annesburg and then go northeast from Brandywine Drop. The hideout should show up right near the very edge of the map.

Twin Rocks- This hideout is a few minutes north of Armadillo and will most likely spawn right in between the outcropping of rocks at Twin Rocks. Players will need to be very careful here as it is hard to ambush the group of outlaws.

Sea of Coronado- Players will find this hideout at the most southwest portion of the map they can go. Typically the hideout will spawn right on the banks of the sea, and enemies will usually appear on a ridge above the player.

Solomon’s Folly- Players will need to ride south from Tumbleweed and then go southwest from Benedict point in order to find this hideout on their map. If players hit the river then they have probably gone too far.

Quake Cove- Players will need to go south from Blackwater until they hit an inlet from Flat Iron Lake. The hideout will usually spawn at a little shack near the water’s edge.

Rattlesnake Hollow- This is one that can be found to the northwest of Armadillo. Players will probably find it just west of the Twin Rocks hideout.

Lakay- Players will need to travel northwest from Saint-Denis to the area just south of Lagras. There are a lot of trees at this location that can be used for cover.

The Loft- This area can be found northwest of Annesburg and just to the west of the fork of the railroad there.

Mount Helgen- Players will need to travel into the mountains of Grizzlies West in order to find this hideout. It usually spawns right between the letters “I” and “E” on the word “Grizzlies” on the map.

Clemens Point- This hideout is found just northwest of Rhodes at the small inlet from Flat Iron Lake. The hideout usually spawns right at the water’s edge here.

Colter- In the far north of the Ambarino region of the map, players will usually find this hideout right in between Spider Grove and Cairn Lake. Since this is the far north, players will want to bring cold weather clothes with them.

Cumberland Falls- If players right southwest from Valentine they will usually find this little hideout near a waterfall on the Dakota River. It is also just east of Wallace Station.

Ewing Basin- This is another location in the Grizzlies West area of the map. Players will typically find this one if they ride due west from the words “Mount Hagen” on the map but before the railroad tracks.

Fort Mercer- Fans of the first Red Dead Redemption will probably remember this as the fort that Bill Williamson holes up in at the beginning of the game. The hideout doesn’t actually appear inside the fort but will be directly in between Fort Mercer and Benedict Pass.

Hanging Dog Ranch- Players can find this directly north the word “Creek” in Little Creek River in West Elizabeth. The hideout usually spawns right on the river bank.

Jorge’s Pass- Players will find the final hideout in the game just Southwest of Armadillo, and right in between the “U” and “S’ in Austin.

Next: How to Get The Ultimate Edition Bonus Items in Red Dead Redemption Online

Red Dead Online can be played on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

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